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Compacted view

August 23

Inferring from Ignorance

Welcome talks, Keynotes from Lorenzo Magnani, Konrad Werner, Rik Peels, and academic speed dating!

August 24

Impasse, Illusion, and


Keynotes from Lambros Malafouris, Thomas Ormerod, Lisa Bortolotti, and a Filipstudio and FutureBased Workshop in person!

August 25

Intuition and Enaction

Keynotes from Shaun Gallagher, Sabine Roeser, Anthony Chemero, and a Filipstudio and FutureBased online Workshop!

August 26

Insight and Inspiration

Community of practice with Graziano Maino, keynotes from Anne Meylan, Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau, Sune Steffensen and a Public Lecture from Anthony Chemero!

August 27

Enacting Chance!

Wrap-up discussion led by Selene Arfini, Wendy Ross and Samantha Copeland, and Social Lunch!

Day-by-day view

All hours are in Leiden time (CEST). With this link, you can verify your time relative to ours.

Since most activities are in a blended format, all in-person participants
are invited to bring either a personal tablet or a computer during the sessions.

Unfortunately, we had to postpone Anthony Chemero’s public lecture
(previously scheduled for August 26) to a date to be announced due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Anchor 1

August 23 - Inferring from Ignorance

2:45 pm

Special blended event
Lorentz Center Welcome

3:00 pm

Lorenzo Magnani - Talk and Q&A 
The urgent need of an ecology of human creativity

3:30 pm

Coffee break

3:45 pm

Konrad Werner - Q&A and discussion 
Embodied institutions, ignorance and opportunities

4:15 pm

Coffee break

4:30 pm

Rik Peels - Talk and Q&A
States of ignorance and bodies of ignorance

5:00 pm

Coffee break

5:15 pm

 Parallel sessions for Q&A

  • María Martínez-Ordaz - Ignorance, insights and understanding in big data practices: An inferentialist account


  • Giacomo Figà Talamanca - Divisiveness through (unmediated) discovery

Anchor 2

August 24 - Impasse, Illusion and Inaction

10:30 am

Lambros Malafouris - Talk and Q&A
Enacting chance through material engagement

11:15 am

Coffee break

Parallel sessions for Q&A

  •  Katrina Ginis - Chance, openness to experience and artistic creativity


  • Jennifer Gippel and Paulina Larocca - How to ask questions for more chance

11:30 am

12:15 am

Social Lunch - offered by Lorentz Center (in-person event)

1:30 pm

Thomas Ormerod - Talk and Q&A 
Is impasse a state of inaction or a trigger for action? 
Towards a computational model of insight

2:00 pm

Coffee break

2:15 pm

Lisa Bortolotti - Q&A and discussion
Delusions and conspiracy theories 

2:45 pm

Coffee break

Anchor 3

August 25 - Intuition and Enaction

09:15 am

12:15 am

Social Lunch - offered by Lorentz Center (in-person event)

1:30 pm

Anthony Chemero - Talk and Q&A
Complexity constrains creativity

2:00 pm

Coffee break

2:15 pm

Shaun Gallagher - Q&A and discussion 
Surprise! Why enactivism and predictive processing
are parting ways: The case of improvisation

2:45 pm

Coffee break

3:00 pm

Sabine Roeser - Talk and Q&A 
The potential of intuitions, emotions
and art to ‘enact chance’

3:30 pm

Coffee break

3:45 pm

Parallel sessions for Q&A

  • Antonio Ianniello - Training for chance: Enacting the perception


  • Sabrina Sauer - Being aware of the situation: Facilitating serendipity through collective improvisation

5:15 pm

Special in person event with food
Social dinner at Het Prentenkabinet

August 26 - Insight and Inspiration

12:15 am

Social Lunch - offered by Lorentz Center (in-person event)

1:30 pm

Anne Meylan - Talk and Q&A 
Ignorance and its disvalue

2:00 pm

Coffee break

2:15 pm

Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau - Q&A and discussion
Unveiling Creativity

2:45 pm

Coffee break

3:00 pm

Sune Steffensen - Q&A and discussion
You don't have a chance - seize it!
Serendipity and interactivity in problem-solving

3:30 pm

Coffee break

3:45 pm

Parallel sessions for Q&A

  • Paul Schweidler and Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - Insight in graph comprehension as a phase transition


  • Jonathan McKinney - Enactive spaces, ignorance and spontaneous eloquence

Anchor 4

August 27 - Enacting Chance!

10:45 am

Selene Arfini - Thematic discussion
The roles of ignorance in chance-based reasoning

11:15 am

Coffee break

11:30 am

Wendy Ross - Thematic discussion 
Enacting insight

12:00 am

Coffee break

12:15 am

Samantha Copeland - Thematic discussion
Intuition and chance: Leading to serendipity

1:00 PM

Special blended event with food
Twitter game of chance and social lunch

Anchor 5
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