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Enacting Chance
Ignorance Insight and Intuition
Compacted view
Day-by-day view
All hours are in Leiden time (CEST). With this link, you can verify your time relative to ours.
Since most activities are in a blended format, all in-person participants
are invited to bring either a personal tablet or a computer during the sessions.
Unfortunately, we had to postpone Anthony Chemero’s public lecture
(previously scheduled for August 26) to a date to be announced due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Anchor 1
August 23 - Inferring from Ignorance
2:45 pm
Special blended event
Lorentz Center Welcome
3:00 pm
Lorenzo Magnani - Talk and Q&A
The urgent need of an ecology of human creativity
3:30 pm
Coffee break
3:45 pm
Konrad Werner - Q&A and discussion
Embodied institutions, ignorance and opportunities
4:15 pm
Coffee break
4:30 pm
Rik Peels - Talk and Q&A
States of ignorance and bodies of ignorance
5:00 pm
Coffee break
5:15 pm
Parallel sessions for Q&A
María Martínez-Ordaz - Ignorance, insights and understanding in big data practices: An inferentialist account
Giacomo Figà Talamanca - Divisiveness through (unmediated) discovery
6:00 pm
Special blended event with food
Spark Collaboration (with wine and cheese)
Michael Soto - Academic slow networking
Anchor 2
August 24 - Impasse, Illusion and Inaction
10:30 am
Lambros Malafouris - Talk and Q&A
Enacting chance through material engagement
11:15 am
Coffee break
Parallel sessions for Q&A
Katrina Ginis - Chance, openness to experience and artistic creativity
Jennifer Gippel and Paulina Larocca - How to ask questions for more chance
11:30 am
12:15 am
Social Lunch - offered by Lorentz Center (in-person event)
1:30 pm
Thomas Ormerod - Talk and Q&A
Is impasse a state of inaction or a trigger for action?
Towards a computational model of insight
2:00 pm
Coffee break
2:15 pm
Lisa Bortolotti - Q&A and discussion
Delusions and conspiracy theories
2:45 pm
Coffee break
Anchor 3
August 25 - Intuition and Enaction
09:15 am
12:15 am
Social Lunch - offered by Lorentz Center (in-person event)
Special blended event
Filipstudios and Future-Based workshop
Roos Meerman and Sabine Winters
"Serendipity networking - and the flow of ideas"
1:30 pm
Anthony Chemero - Talk and Q&A
Complexity constrains creativity
2:00 pm
Coffee break
2:15 pm
Shaun Gallagher - Q&A and discussion
Surprise! Why enactivism and predictive processing
are parting ways: The case of improvisation
2:45 pm
Coffee break
3:00 pm
Sabine Roeser - Talk and Q&A
The potential of intuitions, emotions
and art to ‘enact chance’
3:30 pm
Coffee break
3:45 pm
Parallel sessions for Q&A
Antonio Ianniello - Training for chance: Enacting the perception
Sabrina Sauer - Being aware of the situation: Facilitating serendipity through collective improvisation
August 26 - Insight and Inspiration
11:00 am
12:15 am
Social Lunch - offered by Lorentz Center (in-person event)
1:30 pm
Anne Meylan - Talk and Q&A
Ignorance and its disvalue
2:00 pm
Coffee break
2:15 pm
Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau - Q&A and discussion
Unveiling Creativity
2:45 pm
Coffee break
3:00 pm
Sune Steffensen - Q&A and discussion
You don't have a chance - seize it!
Serendipity and interactivity in problem-solving
3:30 pm
Coffee break
3:45 pm
Parallel sessions for Q&A
Paul Schweidler and Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - Insight in graph comprehension as a phase transition
Jonathan McKinney - Enactive spaces, ignorance and spontaneous eloquence
Anchor 4
August 27 - Enacting Chance!
10:45 am
Selene Arfini - Thematic discussion
The roles of ignorance in chance-based reasoning
11:15 am
Coffee break
11:30 am
Wendy Ross - Thematic discussion
Enacting insight
12:00 am
Coffee break
12:15 am
Samantha Copeland - Thematic discussion
Intuition and chance: Leading to serendipity
1:00 PM
Special blended event with food
Twitter game of chance and social lunch
Anchor 5
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